Sunday, January 4, 2009


So much to do and so little time. Somehow, although there are almost 4 months left, this is how we felt this weekend...and I really feel like we made some progress! The room got cleaned out (for the most part... still deciding on the fridge... thanks for the ideas!), the furniture was assembled, and we sanded and sanded and sanded a great piece we picked up from a thrift store in Ruidoso... for $25! Anyone ever sanded a piece of furniture with 2 different coats of paint?? It's not the most fun... but the end result is satisfying. Now we have a clean slate for painting.

We purchased our first sander. Something tells me it won't be the last.

The man hard at work.

Proof of progress.

The rocker. It looks like it wants to give me a hug... and I think I will need all the hugs it can offer when we are up at the wee hours feeding and trying to rock little man back to sleep. (have I mentioned yet that we are having a BOY?)

The crib. We thought this seemed modern, timeless, simple... and best of all not $1000 like all the other ones I liked.

1 comment:

Ethan, Kristen, Claire and Griffin said...

love the rocker and crib. Where did you get them. I'm so ready to know what we're having. My artistic side is dying to be unleashed on that nursery. I found out we can paint the room!