Sunday, August 15, 2010

a little peak for Miss Fay Joyner

She is so pretty, so girlie, and so sweet. There couldn't be a more polar opposite for Porter to play with :) She was busy holding her hands up like a lady and doing delicate things, while Porter tore through their beautiful home like a tornado. The Llano river and the Wallace's ranch house made the most amazing back drop for pictures and I had so much fun doing it! I took quite a few more pics than I normally do since we were there all night, so this is just a quick sample. Haven't had time to go through them all yet. These were just some that I loved right at first glance. Thanks so much for sharing your Fay with me!

1 comment:

emily said...

So we aren't close to having a baby yet, but can I go ahead and book you now for when we do?! Your pictures are amazing!