Thursday, May 13, 2010

rah rah rah your boat

porter has started bringing me books and i think he wants me to read them, but then i start reading and he walks away and gets another one. so... i thought this was more a game of just getting the book and bringing it to me. i had no idea he knew which book was which or that he even listened to a word i said while i was reading.

(here's where the 'my kid is a genius' bragging comes in...)

he walked over to his stack, picked up the book that has the song 'row row row your boat' in it... and started yelling 'rah rah rah rah rah rah'! i had never heard that syllable before... so i knew he knew what he was saying! it was the cutest thing - then he actually sat there and let me sing/read the whole thing to him and he sort of tried to sing along. so many 'rah rah rah's' and lots of clapping.

i decided to test it last night while zach and i were sitting in his room playing. porter was banging away at something and i said 'hey porter, go get the 'row row row your boat book and bring it to mama.' he dropped his toy, walked over to the stack of books, threw the top 2 books off... and grabbed the correct book! he held it over his head and walked over to me. we couldn't believe it! he was shouting 'rah rah rah' the whole time.

kids are amazing.

things he is saying right now:

all done - 'ahh da'
down - 'dow' (emphasis on the ow)
bottle - 'bah ble'
apple - 'aaah ple'
cracker - 'creker' (says it really fast)
yea - 'yah yah yah yah'
no - 'na na na na' shaking or turning his head the whole time
and i swear yesterday when i was putting on his shoe he said shoe - 'sue'!

and... he just learned to blow a kiss. it looks more like a slap to his own face with a smile afterward... but it still melts my heart :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

cute! cute! cute!

rah! rah! rah for porter!!!