as carrie's amazing husband and all around person of valor, i feel i have the authority to say that carrie is quite the amazing far. We checked into the hospital at 7:30pm last night and our final chapter into expectant parenthood began. our room is very much nicer than our house and surprisingly homey.
Carrie got settled and hooked up to approximately 10,000 machines. our nurse during the night was ok and since we were her only patient, she was super responsive (we secretly think she only had 1 patient because she only had 1 good eye, the other was VERY lazy and mostly a distraction). I slept for the majority of the night so from 11pm to 6am is quite a blur. They did give her some medicine to help her dilate more and it pretty much worked, she went from 0cm to 1.5cm by morning. She then just went through the contractions and dominated them. The doctor came in and told us we would be here for quite awhile, nice. Her mom, Nancy, and my mom, BR, came at about 10:30 and we all kind of hung out. The doctor came back in at noon and was checking her dilation, which was 2cm at that point, and suddenly water came gushing out. well there you go, nothing says change the sheets like a gallon of amniotic fluid (your love for your wife during the hours of birth at the hospital develops into something surreal with the amount of gross/awkward/beautiful/hilarious things that occur. i feel like an old couple now). Around 3:30 the pain was an awesome level and she had given all she could give without the help of some medicine. in goes a wire into her spine and out comes a happy momma. I sit here now at 6:45pm while carrie gets some much needed rest before the real fun begins, very at ease with the fact that my son will be breathing fresh air within hours but also very sure i am cant imagine loving something with all of my being the moment i see it...cant wait for an ice cold beer.
z!!!!! put me on your text message call list PLEASE!!!! its your dear old country music lovin friend ali blagg!
take care of our girl! :) you are an awesome husband!
i mean, country, music-lovin, NOT country music lovin.
just to clarify :)
thanks for the thorough and comical update, zach. i have been praying and checking the blog all day. can't wait to see pictures of porter!
AWESOME update, I love it
Congratulations! I just got the email update that lil Porter is here! YAY! Can't wait to see pictures! YAY for BOYS!
hey you, all around person of valor, where's MY e-mail of sweet baby porter?? anxiously awaiting an update... an e-mail... a picture! ;)
Denise --
zach, great reporting on the front lines... so cute & so funny! i thought for sure i'd see baby pics this morning... but i too will keep waiting, impatiently!
Go carrie goooo!
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